Portland Ghostbusters


The Portland Ghostbusters was formally formed in the spring of 2012 by James Nelson, and Boone Langston. The pair met on a regional forum of GBfans.com and quickly made plans to form a local franchise. The first meeting was on a weekend in April, 2012 in the McMenamins on Broadway. James and Boone worked out the details on what the Portland Ghostbusters would look like over a pint of beer, and Cajun Tots. A new ComiCon was going to begin in September, and it seemed as good a time as any to make our first public appearance.Besides James and Boone, three more Busters came out for the first Rose City ComiCon: Jason Groschopf (also from GB Fans), Nolan Sternkopf (12 years old at the time), and Catie Rose (new to cosplay, and the Ghostbusters who was looking for something fun to do). That original group of five Ghostbusters grew to a roster of over 20 active members by 2021!